Amazon seller account from Pakistan, eBay is still easy, amazon is still hard

People were asking about the future of eBay in Pakistan while Amazon has included Pakistan in its seller list.

Pakistan in the seller list of Amazon is a huge success of the people who were striving for this, this is an achievement for Pakistan too. And, we as Pakistanis are happy for this achievement. Amazon is a giant and the biggest marketplace in the world.

For Pakistan being in the seller list of amazon, you still cannot sell on from, you will have to register separately for the other domains, unlike Amazon, on eBay, you can use single login credentials to sell on any of the international eBay markets, be it UK, AUS, Germany, USA or any other from its 23 international websites (marketplaces). This is one of the most luxurious and royal kind of a feature of the eBay.

If you can subscribe to an amazon seller account from Pakistan, your still have to pay for the clicks people do on your ad on Amazon, no matter they buy your product or not (PPC). On eBay, you pay eBay for your ad only if it is sold.

On Amazon, you still have to do huge investments (compared to eBay) to develop your business, no matter if you can subscribe to the seller account from Pakistan or not.

Amazon will still compete with your good selling products, your PLs, and your wholesale sales. eBay will not.

The ranking and selling strategies are still the same on amazon which eat up a huge chunk of your investment while building your business on Amazon.

The learning curve for amazon is still bigger than eBay, no matter Pakistan is on the seller list or not.

Please be clear, Empowerers supports selling on amazon, also has its PL, wholesale, kindle, and affiliate business on it but the point here is, what suits you? If you have big investments go for Amazon along with eBay and if you have less investment, building a business on eBay will be good for you. If you plan to invest all of your amazon investment on eBay (with proper preparation), there are high chances that you will enjoy better benefits than amazon.

eBay is an easy entry point for you to the eCommerce world, it gives you easy success and boosts your confidence, use this confidence to further increase your eBay business, and then go and explore any of the marketplaces.

Yes, you can provide amazon freelancing services and earn good, and the secret is, there is an almost equal number of online freelancing contracts for eBay as for amazon. eBay marketplace has far less competition and if you can provide quality services, you have the big business in your hand. You can better judge the current number of Amazon services providers and eBay services providers in Pakistan.

You know yourself better, Choose wisely!

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